All Concurrency Problems | Dirty Read | Incorrect Summary | Lost Update | Phantom Read

0:00 - Introduction 0:22 - Dirty Read 1:29 - Incorrect Summary 2:51 - Lost Update 3:58 - Unrepeatable Read 4:35 - Phantom Read DBMS Notes: File 1:… File 2:… Contributed by: Anurag Singhal ► Full course of DBMS

Lec-72: What is Schedule | Serial Vs Parallel Schedule | Database Management System

0:00 - Introduction 1:21 - Serial Schedule 5:26 - Parallel Schedule 7:11 - Disadvantage of Serial Schedule 8:15 - Advantage of Parallel Schedule DBMS Notes: File 1:… File 2:… Contributed by: Anurag Singhal ► Full course of DBMS

Lec-71: Transaction States | Database Management System

0:00 - Introduction 0:10 - Active 4:23 - Partially Committed 5:14 - Committed 5;55 - Terminated 7:15 - Failed 9:38 - Abort DBMS Notes: File 1:… File 2:… Contributed by: Anurag Singhal ► Full course of DBMS

Lec-70: ACID Properties of a Transaction | Database Management System

0:00 - Introduction 1:20 - Atomicity 4:57 - Consistency 10:11 - Isolation 12:23 - Durability DBMS Notes: File 1:… File 2:… Contributed by: Anurag Singhal ► Full course of DBMS