Mon, 03/Jun/2024 - 02:18 pm By Anand
Лыжная маска IceBRKR со звуком костной проводимости незаменима для зимних видов спорта.

For many, skiing remains the most pleasurable recreational activity ever invented by man. Nothing compares with the ecstasy you feel when sliding around in the mountains. And it’s also a great way to exercise your body and keep fit. Unfortunately, many people do not ski because it leaves little room to do much else. The environment could be unforgiving and the winds could make it difficult to hear anything from even the loudest headsets. Step in the IceBRKR Ski Mask; the perfect solution to life on the slopes.

With the first-of-its-kind bone conduction audio technology, IceBRKR promises to make skiing safer and more fun by providing unbeatable state-of-the-art sound while allowing you to hear all that is going on around you.

Design and features

The IceBRKR is designed to keep you in control of how you want to stay connected and entertained while having a good time in the mountains. It integrates bone conduction audio and Bluetooth 5.0 MESH Intercom to give you the ultimate sound experience in the harshest weather conditions. Whether you’re receiving a call, enjoying some music or communicating with friends through the Bluetooth intercom technology, you can trust the IceBRKR to deliver the impeccable audio you have always wished for. According to the manufacturers, here are some of the reasons why you shouldn’t miss out on the IceBRKR

  • Ability to answer/hang-up calls
  • A Bluetooth Intercom system that can pair up to 18 people together
  • Ability to listen to all kinds of audio media
  • Ability to utilize a voice-activated system
  • Optimally designed for a secure, comfortable fit
  • Interchangeable magnetic lenses
  • Bidirectional microphone
  • Up to 24-hour battery life

First-of-its-kind bone conduction audio technology

The amazing bone conduction audio technology translates all sound signals, including music and voices, into vibrations. Because bone conduction is a natural part of the hearing process, this proprietary technology allows you to hear everything without blocking your ears to external sound. This contrasts with what you get from regular headsets and earphones that block your ear canals and prevent you from hearing what is going on around you.

Usable with or without a ski helmet

Whether you’re skiing with or without a ski helmet, you can still use the IceBRKR as you glide happily in the mountains. To use with a ski helmet, you have the option of placing it on top of the helmet or tucking it underneath. The device fits perfectly with all kinds of helmets thus allowing sound to radiate inwards without blocking your ear canal.

Bluetooth 5.0 Mesh Technology

IceBRKR comes with the best of Bluetooth 5.0 MESH intercom technology, giving you the freedom to communicate anytime you need to. With this technology, you can chat with up to 18 skiers within a mile range. In the event of a loss of contact, the device would automatically search for and restore the connection. You also have the freedom to talk to others as a group or isolate your conversations even if you have paired with others in the past.

The perfect lens

IceBRKR boasts a durable and flexible frame that seamlessly adapts to the curves of your face. The internal skeletal system is further designed to minimize the pressure on your nose and facilitate easy breathing.

Pricing info

IceBRKR ski mask is currently at the crowdfunding stage. Their Kickstarter campaign has been hugely successful, achieving more than 375% of the target.