Sat, 29/Jun/2024 - 01:13 am By Anand
Многофункциональный домашний тренажерный зал с приложением Personal Trainer

Working out and training your muscles is important to maintaining your health and fitness. Unfortunately, many people are too busy to make time for the gym and installing a proper gym at home could prove overly expensive. Weela presents the perfect solution to these problems. The revolutionary mobile gym that is perfect for everyone who wants to train at home. Whether you are looking to build some muscle mass, lose weight, improve your balance and flexibility or improve your general fitness, Weela is the workout companion you can trust.

Design and Features

Weela is built to be the most versatile and most effective home gym around. The compact design and light weight are Weela’s most striking features. More than the physical appearance, however, Weela provides impressive workout support. The device provides electric resistance of about 100 lbs. This novel technology adequately replaces the heavy iron bars that are commonplace in gym equipment. You also have the luxury of performing a wide range of strength and endurance activities in the comfort of your home or any other small space.

The full package weighs only 15kg. You can carry your Weela with you on road trips or weekend getaways. Weela needs just under 1 sqm of space and can be stored easily.  This is an extra advantage for people who find it difficult to stick to their workout plan because they are always on the road.

The Ideal Smart Gym

Weela comes with a personal trainer application that works as your personal motivator and trainer. With the smartphone application, you can set custom workout goals that would suit your skill level and goals. You have the freedom to choose from over 100 animated workout options that are designed for various parts of the body. The structured workout plans keep you motivated and you can track your progress via the application.

The app allows you to adjust the device’s weight and resistance. It guides you on the right moves for your skill levels and provides instructions on the best exercises for you. The app also guides you on the correct way to perform your exercise drills in order to achieve maximum benefits.

More than just a replacement for weights

It provides impressive overall strength, balance, and coordination training. You would be more adept at controlling your supporting muscles and your whole body in general. With the guidance app, you can rest assured you’ll get the effective resistance and the desired results. The improved physical activity creates a feel-good factor that spreads to your mind. The privacy afforded during workouts also makes you comfortable in your own skin.

What’s included in the Weela package

  • The Weela device
  • Three changeable handles
  • A powered cable
  • The Weela app
  • A resistance control panel

Pricing info

The Weela project is currently at the crowdfunding stage. You can visit the Indiegogo campaign page to know about the available pledges and rewards.