Vélo Hummingbird : Le vélo pliant le plus léger au monde

Hummingbird Bike: The lightest folding bike in the world

Tue, 25/Jun/2024 - 03:01 pm By Anand

Hummingbird’s goal is simple: To use better design and innovation to allow people to enjoy more freedom. They were inspired by a problem of their own that had not had an existing solution. A lightweight, beautiful, high-performance bicycle they wanted to own was not being built by anyone. Teaming up with Prodrive, Hummingbird was able to combine the key attributes of innovation, technical precision, and style to create just such a product – the Hummingbird Bike.

Booē Hybrid 20: водонепроницаемый рюкзак с водонепроницаемыми молниями TOP Zip ™

Booē Hybrid 20: Waterproof backpack with TRU Zip™ Waterproof Zippers

Tue, 25/Jun/2024 - 03:00 pm By Anand

If you’ve ever had to worry about keeping your belongings safe and dry while heading out, the Booē Hybrid 20 is here to put your mind at rest. Unlike most so-called waterproof backpacks, the Hyrbid 20 walks the talk, keeping your things safe, dry, and protected from the elements everywhere you go.

Макр Шакр представляет новые роботизированные бары на крышах в Милане и Лондоне

Makr Shakr unveils new rooftop robotic bars in Milan and London

Tue, 25/Jun/2024 - 02:59 pm By Anand

Founded by MIT professor Carlo Ratti, the bar producing company Makr Shakr is in the line of marrying technology with nightlife. They give bar goers a new experience through their unique concepts, combining barman roots with food tech through the future of human-machine collaboration. The latest of these concepts are a couple of rooftop robotic bars that the company has opened in the high profile cities of Milan, Italy and London, England.

Il quadro elettrico MAD BOARD può essere utilizzato come skateboard e monopattino

MADBOARD electric board can be used as skateboard and kick scooter

Tue, 25/Jun/2024 - 02:00 pm By Anand

Fast, safe, and environmentally-friendly commuting is a major problem in many urban centers. It is no surprise, therefore, that many startups are dedicated to creating a sustainable and efficient means of transportation that can make life much easier in busy zones. MadFuture is one of such daring companies and their Madboard line of electric skateboards perfectly exemplifies their vision.

Machini Durans Constant Power Oppi Vos Indo Electricity

Machine turns constant power of waves into electricity

Fri, 21/Jun/2024 - 01:40 pm By Anand

The quest for cheap and efficient sources of renewable energy is one of the most pressing challenges in the world today. Much attention has been focused on windmills and solar plants. However, there are numerous challenges affecting the widespread application of the Sun and wind as primary energy sources. Eco Wave Power is hoping to blaze a trail in the world of renewable energy by generating cheap and efficient energy from a less heralded source- ocean waves.

MagEasy: модульный магнитный органайзер для аккуратного хранения ваших вещей

MagEasy: Modular magnetic organizing kit keeps your items tidy

Fri, 21/Jun/2024 - 01:39 pm By Anand

Fridge-magnet systems are incredibly convenient. They allow you to fix grocery lists, family photos, keys, and just about everything else on the refrigerator. What if there was a tool that could similarly help you organize your everyday carry and work essentials? Enter MagEasy, a customizable organizing kit that promises to keep your desk tidy and boost productivity.

मनल नाम स्ालित ्रसारण: कन सा सबसे ्ा है ??

मैनुअल बनाम स्वचालित प्रसारण: कौन सा सबसे अच्छा है ??

Fri, 21/Jun/2024 - 01:38 pm By Anand

आइए पहले समझते हैं कि मैनुअल और ऑटोमैटिक ट्रांसमिशन क्या है और फिर हम तुलना के साथ आगे बढ़ सकते हैं।

मैनुअल ट्रांसमिशन क्या है?
मैनुअल ट्रांसमिशन कार वे कारें हैं जो ड्राइवर को ड्राइविंग की जरूरतों के अनुसार गियर बदलने की अनुमति देती हैं और गियर बदलते समय एक मैनुअल क्लच पेडल का उपयोग किया जाता है। क्लच ठोस क्लच प्लेट और दबाव प्लेट तंत्र का उपयोग करता है।

MAD Gaze : la montre la plus intelligente avec contrôle gestuel

MAD Gaze: Smartest watch with gesture controls

Fri, 21/Jun/2024 - 01:37 pm By Anand

Let’s face it; smart watches are a dime a dozen these days. They have become almost as cheap as the word smart itself, and you’d be hard-pressed finding a truly interesting smartwatch. Maybe that’s why the manufacturers of MAD Gaze Watch did not stop at calling their watch smart. They went two steps further by terming it the smartest watch ever produced, and a peek into the watch’s design and features confirm that they may not be so wrong after all.

Altwork: идеальная рабочая станция для пользователей, интенсивно работающих за компьютером.

Altwork: Ultimate workstation for high-intensity computer users

Thu, 20/Jun/2024 - 01:46 pm By Anand

Altwork is a workstation manufacturer focused on creating innovative and unrecognized ways for people to work at their desks. These workstations are designed for those who spend a significant amount of time on their computer. While Altwork is undoubtedly not the only manufacturer creating solutions for those sitting at a desk for most of the day, it is worth taking a closer look at their Signature and Flex stations.

Arrowmax SGS PRO: mini penna elettrica per incisione e lucidatura intelligente

Arrowmax SGS PRO: Smart mini electric engraving & polishing pen

Thu, 20/Jun/2024 - 01:45 pm By Anand

A Smart Engraving & Polishing Pen

Engraving and polishing are words well-known to everyone interested in craftwork. From jewelry to sculpture and from hobbyist to professional, having tools that get the job done and don’t have to be replaced every year is vital.

Now, creators have a new product to look out for: Arromax’s SGS PRO—a smart, electric engraving, and polishing pen.