Mon, 31/Jul/2023 - 01:25 pm By Anand
BRÜ: Автоматическая машина для заваривания чая

There are two kinds of people: coffee lovers and tea lovers. Inventions such as Keurig’s automatic coffee makers have made life easier for the former. However, the tea drinkers have a genuine reason to feel left behind. BRÜ is an automated tea brewing machine that hopes to change this narrative. It aims to allow users to make the perfect cup of tea at the push of a button. Unlike other similar inventions that force tea lovers to sacrifice variety for convenience, BRÜ gives room for full customization of brewing conditions, giving you the freedom to explore different flavors.

Design and features

BRÜ is specially designed to make every step of the tea brewing process convenient, easy, and efficient. The brewing machine comes with a stainless-steel spoon and sieve that allows users to brew the perfect cup of tea from tea bags, loose-leaf, or any other type of tea they like. Below are some of the features that make BRÜ the ultimate tea making machine.

Built-in safety sensors

BRÜ comes with multiple sensors to enhance safety and efficiency. There’s a safety sensor that prevents hot water from flowing into the brewing chamber until the lid is closed, and there’s another sensor that ensures your tea is not dispensed until a cup is detected. Even if you forget to put a mug in place, you can rest assured you’ll never walk into your kitchen to find your tea on the floor.

Unique memory feature

The manufacturers of BRÜ respect the fact that each variety of tea has its ideal brewing method. Thus, users have the freedom to adjust their brewing settings to get the best out of their teabags. Once you get the perfect brewing setting for a particular variety, BRÜ’s unique memory feature allows you to save and select that setting on your next brew. The BRÜ mobile app also features an extensive library of tea recipes that makes it easier to prepare and repeat the perfect brew.

Easy cleaning

All the removable parts of BRÜ, such as the removable catch tray, water tank, and brewing chamber, are dishwasher safe. Moreover, disposing of used tea is easy and straightforward. This takes the work out of maintaining your machine while ensuring you enjoy a clean brew of tea every time. If you want even more effortless self-cleaning, the BRÜ+ model is for you. It features a unique ring outlet that fills the brewing chamber evenly and thoroughly rinses it after each cycle to keep it clean and fresh for your next brew.

How BRÜ works

  • Fill the 2L tank on the back of your machine.
  • Use the spoon or sieve to place the tea of your choice inside the machine and close the lid.
  • Place your cup on the removable drip tray and use the dial on the front to customize brewing time, temperature, and quantity of water to your preference.
  • Press ‘start’ and leave BRÜ to complete the brewing process.
  • Your tea would be automatically served at the expiration of the set brewing time.

Pricing info

BRÜ is currently at the crowdfunding stage. At the time of this post, the automatic tea brewing machine has pulled in more than $760,000 from about 6000 backers. If you’re interested in purchasing one at a discounted price, please visit the official campaign page to check out the available pledges and rewards.