Fri, 25/Aug/2023 - 02:09 pm By Anand
Подушка для снятия колик и рефлюкса успокаивает плачущих детей

Babies are, no doubt, wonderful. Too often, however, our bundles of cuteness could become a tad annoying, especially when they cry without an apparent trigger. An estimated 25% of babies between 2 weeks and 3 months become colicky, and seemingly incessant crying jags appear to be the hallmark of colic. These babies could prove a real handful during these periods. It becomes particularly difficult to rock them to sleep because colicky babies tend to prefer sleeping on their parents. This only leaves many a parent jaded and unable to attend to other activities.

The Babocush is a baby product that is “designed to hug your baby securely in the perfect position for relieving wind, colic, and reflux.” The product is designed for babies between 0 and 6 months and the manufacturers believe it is the perfect product to ensure absolute comfort for unsettled babies.

Design and Features

Babocush is designed to be the next best thing to holding your baby in your arms. It comes with a shaped foam mattress that acts as a relief cushion for babies. It further comes with an independent vibration unit that can be attached to provide soothing vibrations. You can set the desired vibration speed depending on how fast you want your baby to be rocked. The vibration unit requires batteries. Some users complained that the buttons of the vibration unit are very sensitive and even the act of moving the relief cushion could put them on. Thus, you could be draining the battery while not paying attention.

Babies are, no doubt, wonderful. Too often, however, our bundles of cuteness could become a tad annoying, especially when they cry without an apparent trigger. An estimated 25% of babies between 2 weeks and 3 months become colicky, and seemingly incessant crying jags appear to be the hallmark of colic. These babies could prove a real handful during these periods. It becomes particularly difficult to rock them to sleep because colicky babies tend to prefer sleeping on their parents. This only leaves many a parent jaded and unable to attend to other activities.

The Babocush is a baby product that is “designed to hug your baby securely in the perfect position for relieving wind, colic, and reflux.” The product is designed for babies between 0 and 6 months and the manufacturers believe it is the perfect product to ensure absolute comfort for unsettled babies.

Design and Features

Babocush is designed to be the next best thing to holding your baby in your arms. It comes with a shaped foam mattress that acts as a relief cushion for babies. It further comes with an independent vibration unit that can be attached to provide soothing vibrations. You can set the desired vibration speed depending on how fast you want your baby to be rocked. The vibration unit requires batteries. Some users complained that the buttons of the vibration unit are very sensitive and even the act of moving the relief cushion could put them on. Thus, you could be draining the battery while not paying attention.

In order to mimic the natural environment of holding to your chest, the relief cushion comes with a gentle heartbeat sound. This sound could potentially provide even more relief for your baby. A lot of mothers appreciate this innovation while some complained it’s just an “annoying click that could be improved upon.”

The Babocush is designed with the safety of your child in mind. There is a 5-point harness that holds your baby in place while lying on the Babocush. Rest assured, your child would be firmly strapped to the relief cushion and there is little to no risk of an accidental fall. You can use the Babocush on its own or you can attach it to a rocker or baby chair. Many parents have tried the Babocush and they testify to its almost magical ability to soothe babies. However, some others have been largely unimpressed.

Ethical consideration

The current recommendation is that all babies, colicky or not, should be made to lie on their backs to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Babocush is designed such that the babies are made to lie on their stomach while strapped on it. The important consideration here is that parents should not leave babies unsupervised in this position for long periods. You can use the Babocush when you need to make lunch or when you need to get something done on your laptop. But the current SIDS recommendations strongly discourage leaving them to sleep on their stomach.

Pricing info

The Babocush is currently priced at around $180. You can visit the official website to learn more about pricing and available shipping locations.