Sat, 12/Aug/2023 - 02:09 pm By Anand
FLiP BENCH: Настенная наклонная скамья для экономии места

A common conflict experienced by those who like to work out and stay active is that they lack the space for the equipment that they need to complete their workouts effectively, but FLiPBENCH’s creators are trying to provide a solution to this problem. The FLiPBENCH is described as a “pro-quality incline bench” that folds up and attaches to your wall so that it doesn’t take up too much space while it is not in use. Currently raising funds on Indiegogo, let’s take a look at how the company Brazyn Life proposes a solution to this common issue.

Space saving features
The FLiPBENCH is unlike the typical incline bench because it mounts to your wall and folds flush against the wall when it is not in use. Its designers claim that it takes up only one square foot of space when it is not in use and that it can be installed in your den, garage, home office, bedroom, or any other space in your home without leaving too much of a footprint. This can be particularly useful for those who live in smaller apartments and homes.

Stability and utility
The FLiPBENCH is installed by mounting it to a wall of your choice. This helps to keep the bench in place and to function properly while it is in use. It is also important to note that its wall-mount design makes it much more kid and pet-friendly. Brayzn Life, the creators of FLiPBENCH, claim that the re-imagined incline bench is gym quality and that it is made with heavy-duty materials.

 The FLiPBENCH is spring-loaded, which means pulling it down and putting it back up is easy, safe, and won’t damage surrounding areas. The FLiPBENCH creators claim that it takes just two seconds to bring it down when it is time to work out, and the same amount of time is needed to put it back up when you are done exercising.

Exercise features
While incline benches are used for an entire host of exercise needs, such as providing a base for various weight-centered workouts, the FLiPBENCH has included a couple of extra features to make their product more useful. It adjusts to multiple angles for both comfort and function. It also has attachment points for exercise bands to give users more options when it applies to how they work out and stay fit.

Choose your color
To allow users the opportunity to match their style and décor, the FLiPBENCH comes in three additional colors. The standard option is a black bench, but for a $15 up-charge, users can choose from a cream, blue, or gray color panel depending on which one they think will best match the room they choose to place it in – with more color options to follow depending on the amount of funding the company receives.

How to get a FLiPBENCH
Currently, the FLiPBENCH is undergoing fundraising on Indiegogo. The manufacturer is collecting orders into May 2021, with plans to ship in October of the same year. Prices start at $299 and go up to $648 depending on chosen add-ons.