Mon, 31/Jul/2023 - 01:32 pm By Anand
जानिए बाल्टियों में आमतौर पर छिन्नक का आकार क्यों होता है !!

You might have noticed that buckets generally have a conical or frustum like shape. Have you ever wondered why is it designed so? Why not any other shape?
We will discuss the reason behind the conical shape of the bucket in this article.


The bucket is designed in conical shape due to the following reasons:


1.)A bucket is typically used to put something in, e.g. you dip a mug in it or wash something in it. This means having a large top area is useful for easy access.


2.)It makes it easy to hold or lift the bucket of such shape as any other shape like a cylinder or frustum upside down will have the chances of slipping down.


3.)The center of gravity of frustum shape is such that it provides the least effort and easy means to lift it.



4.)While pouring down the water or liquid out, the frustum of the cone-shaped bucket provides easy grabbing and balance and comfort.


5.)This shape allows multiple buckets to be stacked (nested) inside each other, providing both dense and secure storage of large numbers of buckets.


Compared to the cylinder, a frustum shape gives maximum weight distribution while lifting thus minimum effort is used while lifting bucket of frustum shape