Thu, 24/Aug/2023 - 02:24 pm By Anand
Muro Box: музыкальная шкатулка в стиле ретро, управляемая приложением

Although the world seems to have moved past the age of music boxes, they still bring a warm nostalgic smile to our faces whenever we remember them. One of the reasons why it was so quick to move on from the music box is that it can only play one song. And on top of that, it’s a single-function device. But what if you could have a music box that can play many tunes?

The Muro Box is an app-controlled music box that retains the look and feel of the classic music boxes we know and love. Unlike traditional music boxes, however, Muro Box allows you to enjoy as many melodies as you want. You could take the listening experience a step further by recording custom tunes on the app and listening to them via the box. Muro Box is imbued with the history of traditional music boxes while initiating the next chapter for the music box industry.

Design and features

Proudly created by Tevofy Technology, the Muro Box features string-like components mounted on a wooden base. The box’s patented cylinder design features flexible pins that plug each tooth of the comb according to the user’s programmed music. The manufacturers understand that the best part of a music box is the resonance and sound generated from the strings’ mechanical movement. Thus, the cylinder is covered by a transparent glass, giving owners the pleasure of watching the strings move in sync while producing their favorite melodies.

Custom melodies for everyone

Muro Box is that app-controlled music box that will never bore you. Even if you tire of listening to the rich collection of melodies in their cloud library, you can create your custom tunes. You can also share these custom tunes with other users while taking a peek at what they’re listening to.

An all-inclusive application

Muro Box boasts a mobile application that has all the features you’d ever need in a music box app and more. The library allows you to upload all your music collection on the app and listen to them anytime you want. You can also compose songs, request for a song, or sample what other Muro Box owners have composed.

Offline play feature

Perhaps you’re unable to get your app online; you can still enjoy the services of Muro Box by using the switch knob on your device’s body. According to the manufacturers, the offline playlist so far includes 30 songs, and more songs will be available for free download with time.

You do not need another alarm

Ever wondered what starting the day with your favorite melodies would feel like? The Muro Box’s alarm feature helps you bring this wish to fruition. If there’s a particularly serene and calming melody you’d love to wake up to, set it as your alarm, and Muro Box will do the rest.

Pricing info

Muro Box is currently at the crowdfunding stage. The Indiegogo campaign has been widely successful, generating more than 1100% of the target with 25 days left. You can visit the official campaign page to know more about available pledges and rewards.