Thu, 20/Jul/2023 - 01:01 pm By Anand
Orca Helix – Advanced toilet technology with adjustable seat height

Simple as it may seem, the modern toilet is arguably one of the most important inventions in human history. We have seen overwhelming advances in science and technology. However, the toilet is an invention that hasn’t been changed in over 100 years. The Orca Helix brings modern innovation to the toilet – it is the newest in toilet technology. Whether you’re hygiene driven, ergonomics inclined or you’re simply a fan of something different, the Orca Helix promises to tickle your fancy.

Design and features

The Orca Helix is designed to be the most sophisticated toilet you’ve ever come across. At first sight, you’d be forgiven for thinking it‘s anything but a toilet. On a closer look, however, you would be awestruck by the cool features of the Orca Helix. Some of them include:

Maelstrom flush

With Orca Helix’s vacuum-assisted technology for flushing, you can cut water use per flush to under 0.6 gallons. This is a marked improvement on the 3.6 gallons of water per flush averaged by conventional toilets. This could go a long way in helping conserve water.

UV sanitization

Orca Helix comes with a UV sanitization technology that ensures your toilet environment is always clean. The toilet seat is automatically cleaned and sanitized after every flush. The toilet further employs a bidet feature that helps cut down on toilet paper use, thereby promoting environmental sustainability efforts.

LED Lights

Orca Helix comes with a sensitive night light that activates when it is dark. You no longer have to turn on your light when you wish to use your restroom at night. This feature is particularly useful for people that struggle with going back to sleep after they wake up to use the toilet. It is also great for children and adults with disabilities, who may find it difficult to reach the light switch.

Seat height adjustment

Orca Helix offers amazing versatility by giving users the freedom to choose their preferred seat heights. You would agree that toilets do not have to be one-size-fits-all. The seat height ranges from 10 inches all the way up to 21 inches and the toilet is capable of lifting up to 300-pounds in less than 15 seconds. There couldn’t be a more perfect toilet for children and people with disabilities.

A smart toilet like you’ve never seen

You can control all Orca Helix’s functions with your smartphone. The toilet would even alert you whenever it is in use! It also boasts built-in speakers, giving you the freedom to listen to your favorite playlist while taking your bath, showering or getting ready for a night out. Orca Helix is indeed the toilet you never knew you needed.

Pricing info

Orca Helix is currently crowdfunding on Indiegogo and needs your support. You can visit Orca’s official website to know more about it.