Fri, 21/Jul/2023 - 01:56 pm By Anand
Dispositivo per la mobilità autobilanciante con opzione di controllo a mani libere

As good as conventional commuting devices are; they come with their own downsides. Traffic congestion and carbon emission top the list and governments all over the world are searching for means to overcome these challenges. For many, rethinking personal mobility and commuting especially in urban centers is the only sustainable solution. Over the years, there have been numerous personal mobility devices that have threatened to revolutionize personal transportation. However, Omeo manufacturers believe it’s a first of its kind device. According to them, Omeo is ‘the only personal mobility device that fully integrates a unique Active Seat Control system with the very best of self-balancing technology.

Design and features

Omeo is a powerful two-wheeled self-balancing commuting device that is perfectly optimized to glide smoothly on both smooth and uneven terrains. This is because of the device’s unique self-balancing platform. The platform does an excellent job of keeping drivers level in their seat while ensuring Omeo doesn’t tilt even while navigating troughs or scaling inclines. This self-balancing ability makes Omeo a great choice for a wide range of terrains including beaches, pathways, tracks, and forests; terrains other personal mobility devices may find difficult to navigate.

Compact enough to take you anywhere

Omeo comes as a standard set up that’s capable of fitting through doorways and other small spaces. Rest assured, you’d have no problem searching for a parking space for your device. If you need to better equip Omeo for tougher terrains, you can change to the additional off-road kit that allows you to go virtually anywhere.

Two riding modes

The driver has the option of choosing between two riding modes that are activated by a single lever. If you choose the joystick mode, you’ll control the forward and backward movement by shifting your body weight to the corresponding direction. Sideways movements, on the other hand, are controlled by shifting the joystick to the desired direction.

The second mode is the Active Seat Control (ASC) mode. In this mode, the seat of Omeo is unlocked and you can control the forward, backward and sideways movement by shifting your weight on the seat. This mode offers the possibility of controlling your ride without using your hands. The only downside here is that it might take a while to master the ASC mode.

Other important features

  • Dual electric systems that cater for mishaps and also alert you when battery level runs empty
  • Ability to turn on its own axis, greatly enhancing maneuverability and movement through tight spaces
  • Built-in LED light and reflectors at both the front and rear
  • High-density polyethylene body that facilitates easy cleaning, and imparts much-needed durability and impact-resistance
  • Customizable seat and footplate heights
  • Storage compartment that accommodates a fair amount of load

Pricing info

You’ll need a fair amount of practice before you can safely drive and enjoy the Omeo. The manufacturers advise that prospective buyers should give the device a trial before buying one. Omeo has dedicated agents that organize trials for buyers and explain them the reservation process. You can visit this link to find an agent near you.