Fri, 28/Jun/2024 - 02:57 pm By Anand
SWIM N S1: электрическая доска для плавания быстрее

A lot of people simply are not as fast or powerful as they wish to be when out in the pool. These people have to rely on electric kickboards to swim faster and further. However, many of these kickboards are not as efficient as they claim to be. SWIMN S1 is a powered swimming kickboard that features a user-friendly and more efficient propulsion system, according to the manufacturers. The kickboard is specially designed to make swimming safer and more fun for everyone who loves to be out on the water. Whether you’re new to swimming, too lazy to go the distance, or you simply want to add another dimension to your swimming experience, you can trust SWIMN to give you the optimal swimming experience you so much desire.

Powerful motor helps you go the distance

On the average, swimmers attain a speed of 1.8mph. SWIMN features a 250-watt electric motor that promises to take you anywhere in the water at 2.5mph. When you add the boosting power of SWIMN to an average swimmer’s speed, you could move as fast as 4.3mph in water. That’s as close to Michael Phelps as you can get!

Water gun makes swimming more fun

Asides its boosting power, SWIMN’s detachable nozzles can be turned into a powerful water gun to make swimming even more fun. The next time you’re thinking about how to take your swimming experience a notch higher, do not look beyond the splashing and chasing you can do with SWIMN’s water gun.

Safe to use in water

According to the manufacturers, you need not harbor fears about using SWIMN in water, despite the battery. The device boasts 5.5kgf strong buoyancy alongside a two-step waterproof design, and fence protection; everything you need to enjoy the optimal swimming experience without worries. The manufacturers warn that the device is not designed to protect against drowning. Swimmers still have to take the necessary precautions while in water and amateur swimmers should be supervised as appropriate.

V-shape ergonomic design

To provide the best swimming experience for users, SWIMN S1 features an eye-catching design with utmost attention to details. With other kickboards, the water flowing under often hits the swimmer’s body directly, creating some form of discomfort. SWIMN, however, is shaped such that the waterflow goes under the two sides of the swimmer’s body. This design thus facilitates a more efficient swimming environment. Furthermore, the design makes SWIMN convenient to carry around.

User-friendly operation

SWIMN S1 is super easy to use. To propel the kickboard, simply press the two buttons at the front. While in motion, tilt the device to turn. Whenever you wish to stop, all you have to do is release the buttons. The start button further serves as a light indicator, allowing users to know their device’s battery status while in use. The battery can withstand more than 20 minutes of continuous use and about 50 minutes of mixed use.

Pricing info

SWIMN S1 powered kickboard is currently at the crowdfunding stage. The Kickstarter campaign has been a huge success, generating more than 440% of the target with about 8 days remaining. You can visit the official campaign page to check out the available pledges and rewards.