Wed, 19/Jun/2024 - 12:51 pm By Anand
Sunox Screecher: персональное мобильное устройство на солнечной энергии

‘Riding in the sun’ has a whole new meaning with the brand new travel experience offered by The Sunox Screecher. This environmentally friendly pedal propelled, and solar power-assisted four-wheeler is the newest way in which to transport yourself around. And before you think it can’t pull its weight or yours, think again! The lightweight Screecher can accelerate from zero to 15 mph in just five seconds.

Sunox Screecher can be your Personal Mobility Device (PMD)

The Screecher is flexible in its propulsion methods too. It can be propelled by pedaling, or with the assistance of one of two motors (or the combination of both). This mobility device is the next wave of lightweight commuting methods that will become popular everywhere. From the streets of San Francisco, to Florida’s retirement communities, all the way to the mountain regions of China.

The Sunox Screecher will make navigating large campuses at colleges, universities, and business parks of companies much easier. For employees heading to meetings that would take a significant time to walk to, it will be much easier to reach on a solar fueled vehicle. It will even handle work commutes.

Battery and range

The Screecher is a perfectly affordable, practical, and carbon-neutral solution for many of your transportation needs. It has a 12.8Ah 48V lithium-ion battery, which can be charged simply via a wall outlet. It is able to achieve a full charge in just 6 hours (less if charged with the provided charging wires). Each charge clocks in an impressive 20 miles, or as many as 35 miles in the pedal-assist mode. Pedaling without the use of the motors and the battery can take you as far as you can take yourself.

The updated Screecher model

Recently, a new Screecher model has surfaced. The newest model’s specs have not changed dramatically. It still features a dual 350-W electric hub-motor system, with each grip throttle twist producing about 22 lb per foot of torque. It is still covered by a solar panel covered canopy topped with photovoltaic cells. Such cells now also cover the rear utility box behind the rider (formerly a passenger seat). This helps collect more solar energy and push those batteries just a bit further in the efficiency department.

The Sunox Screeher’s recently refreshed frame measures at 32 x 70 x 64 inches (81 x 177.8 x 162.5 cm) and weighs in at roughly 140 lbs (63.5 kg). It sits and rides on 20-inch pneumatic tires at the front, and 16-inches in the back. The roof canopy is removable and the Screecher unit is collapsible for folding to enhance ease of transport between rides.

The Screecher has been tested on a variety of terrains. Sunox claims that it can provide a relatively smooth ride with the working bump-absorbing suspension, permitting travel on paved or gravel roads, forest trails, and beaches, etc.

Lest you think that is the end, the Screecher also has cruise control, with the feature activated from the vehicle’s LCD display. To cancel it, one simply has to utilize the Screecher’s breaks.

The LCD display provides information including the odometer, speedometer, cruise control enabling, ride mode, assist level, the battery charge levels that the vehicle currently retains, as well as other ride related information. It includes a rear-view mirror and comes with an attachable safety flag.

Pricing and availability

The updated Sunox Screecher model is currently in production on a made-to-order basis with units being shipped around the world at a $4,495 price point. Its solar operational capability is hugely valuable in a world where clean transportation is only in its infantile stages and provides a great vehicle for light, short travel commutes, and adventures for any rider to appreciate.