Thu, 21/Sep/2023 - 12:15 pm By Anand
Why Captcha is Used ?

CAPTCHA is abbreviated as “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”. CAPTCHA is basically a program that can tell whether its user is a human or a computer. They are colorful images with distorted text at the bottom of Web registration forms in many web application development websites. It was coined in 2000 by professors and scientists from Carnegie Mellon University and IBM.


Which purposes does CAPTCHA serve?

CAPTCHA prevents spam in website comment sections and on blogs. Many spammers bombard comment sections with links to increase search engine rankings. The test makes sure only humans comment and users don’t have to sign in beforehand to leave a comment.

It offers protection from scrapers who want to copy the email addresses of users. Spammers would crawl the Internet for email addresses that are posted in clear text. By utilising CAPTCHA you can protect against these scrapers. People need to solve a CAPTCHA before an email address is shown.

Importance of CAPTCHA:

1. Using CAPTCHA you can protect your website or blogs from comment spams, as bloggers receive more than 100 spam comments each day. You can seek help of web development companies to implement this.

2. It is essential that mainly free services should be protected with a CAPTCHA in order to prevent abuse by automated programs.

3. CAPTCHA also avoids dictionary attacks. These are the type of attacks under which an automatically generated scripts or computer program tries random passwords on login forms in case on unsuccessful login.

4. It helps search engines to prevent crawling the spam contents that may be harmful for keeping database safe or sensitive data of being exploited